Stagecoach North West Fleet Update 13th September 2018

Since my last update there has been a number of changes including brand new Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 MMCs going into service at Gillmoss:

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400s 19561 YN59 EAM and 19566 YN59 EAY have moved from Stagecoach Yorkshire and are in Reserve in Manchester.

Volvo B10M's 20653 R653 HCD and 20972 R972 XVM have left the fleet for Scrap.

Volvo B7RLE's 21238 MX05 CKN, 21240 MX55 NWF And 21242 MX55 FGO has left the fleet for Scrap.

Stagecoach Wigan MX05 CKN

MAN Enviro 300 24134 PO59 KXZ Has moved from Preston to Rock Ferry

Alexander Dennis Enviro 300's 27703 PO11 BAV, 27708 PO11 BBN, 27710 PO11 BBV, 27712 PO11 BBZ and PO11 BCF Have left the Gillmoss Fleet for Stagecoach West.

PO11 BBN on route 10A to St Helens

Alexander Dennis Enviro 300 27892 SN63 MZJ Has moved from Gillmoss to Preston

Iveco Scolabus 29814 FX56 AHU, 29818 PN09 BWZ, 29819 PN09 BXA And 29820 FX57 GUF Have returned to TFGM from Wigan Depot.

Iveco Scolasbus 29817 FX57 LKM Has returned to TFGM from Sharston Depot.

Optare Solo 47009 KX51 CSV has gone from Barrow to Reserve.

Optare Solo 47011 KX51 CTF has gone from Reserve to Lillyhall.

Optare Solos 47129 KN54 XYX and 47404 KX55 PFE Have turned up at Gillmoss from Corby, I am currently unsure of their future.

47219 SV55 BZB 47220 SV55 BZC and 47221 SV55 BZD Have arrived at Preston from Stagecoach East Scotland.

Optare Solos 47491 PX07 HBO, 47492 PX07 HBP and 47493 PX07 HBU are for Disposal at Preston.

Volvo B7R (Coach) 53258 SP56 EBM, 53288 SP07 HHS and 53296 SP57 CNC Have arrived at Gillmoss from Perth.

Thanks for Reading, Why not check out my Youtube Channel!
