Stagecoach North West Fleet Changes 1st January - 11th February 2019

Welcome back to the Blog Site, It has been a while since i wrote up a Blog on Fleet Changes to the Stagecoach North West Fleet so here are all the changes so far in 2019. In a couple of days a Special Blog Post about the new Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 MMCs at Morecombe Depot will be posted.

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 MMC 10828 SM66 VAU has moved from Rock Ferry to Gillmoss.

SM66 VAU on route 21
New Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 MMC's in use at Morecombe Depot are as follows - 11139 YX68 UWN, 11140 YX68 UWO, 11141 YX68 UWP, 11142 YX68 UWR, 11143 YX68 UWS, 11144 YX68 UWT, 11145 YX68 UWU, 11146 YX68 UWV, 11147 YX68 UWW, 11148 YX68 UWY, 11149 YX68 UWZ, 11150 YX68 UXA, 11151 YX68 UXB, 11152 YX68 UXC, 11153 YX68 UXD, 11154 YX68 UXE, 11155 YX68 UXF And 11156 YX68 UXG.

11141 YX68 UWP at Lancaster Bus Station.

New Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 MMC in use at Carlisle is 11157 YX68 UXH.

On loan to Stockport is Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 MMC 11158 YX68 UXJ.

Scania Envro 400's 15563 PX59 CUA and 15564 PX59 CUC have moved from Preston to Gillmoss.

Scania Enviro 400's 15740 KX61 DKV, 15746 KX61 DLK and 15748 KX61 DLU are Reinstated at Rock Ferry.

Dennis Tridents 18139 PX04 DND, 18140 PX04 DNE and 18354 MX55 KPE are in Reserve at Morecombe.

Dennis Trident 18385 MX55 KSJ is in Reserve at Gillmoss.

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400's 19034 SN56 AWA, 19039 SN56 AWJ and 19040 SN56 AWM are in Reserve at Gillmoss.

SN56 AWM on route 472

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 19145 NK07 GZY is in Reserve at Morecombe.

Alexander Dennis Enivro 400's 19404 MX58 FSZ, 19405 MX58 FTA and 19407 MX58 FTD have moved from Sharston to Stockport

MAN A300 22149 S149 TRJ has left the Fleet.

MAN A300 22269 X269 MTS Is now in Reserve at Kendal.

MAN E300s 22608 PX08 CTO, 22877 SP09 DPV, 22878 SP09 DPX, 22879 SP09 DPY, 22880 SP09 DPZ, 22881 SP09 DRO, 22882 SP09 DRV, 22883 SP09 DRX, 22884 SP09 DRZ, 22885 SP09 DSE, 22886 SP09 DSP, 22888 SP09 DOJ And 22890 SP09 DPE Are in Reserve at Morecombe.

SP09 DPX on route 4
MAN A300's X822 SRM and 22826 X826 SRM have moved from the Training Fleet to Disposal.

MAN E300 22874 SP09 DPN has moved from Morecombe to Kendal.

SP09 DPN Sorry Not In Service

MAN E300 24116 PX59 AZB Has moved from Morecombe to Reserve at Barrow.

MAN E300 24118 PX59 AZD is in Reserve at Carlisle.

Alexander Dennis 27150 SN64 OHY is in Reserve for RTA Damage to be repaired.

SN64 OHY on route 10A

Alexander Dennis Enivro 300's 27897 SN63 MZO and 27903 SN63 NAO have moved from Rock Ferry to Preston.

SN63 MZO on route 82

Bluebird 29884 CX02 ECT has been Sold.

Alexander Dennis Dart 34679 PX54 EJO Has left the Fleet.

Alexander Dennis Darts 34706 PX05 ENK, 34707 PX05 ENL and 34718 PX05 EKM are in Reserve at Morecombe

PX05 ENK on route 55
Alexander Dennis Dart 34712 PX05 ENR has been Reinstated at Carlisle.

Alexander Dennis Darts 34743 PX55 EDK and 34820 PX06 DWF are in Reserve at Gillmoss.
PX55 EDK on route 17
Alexander Dennis Dart 35158 NK56 EPE has been Reinstated at Morecombe.

Alexander Dennis Enivro 200 36421 MX11 HGL has moved from Sharston to Ashton.

Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 PO62 MVV has moved from Rock Ferry to Chester

Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 36861 GN13 EXT is now in Service at Gillmoss.

Merc Benz 44007 BP16 UWU has been Reinstated at Kendal.

Merc Benz 44008 BV66 GSO is now in Reserve at Kendal.

Optare Solo 47140 PX54 EOY is in Reserve at Morecombe.

Optare Solos 47472 PX07 GZW and 47473 PX07 GZY are in Reserve at Wigan

Optare Solo 47490 PX07 HBN has moved from Gillmoss to Aberdeen

Optare Solo PX58 EZM is in Reserve at Preston.

Optare Solo 47825 YJ11 EKX is in Reserve at Stockport

Volvo B7 Coach 53258 TSV 722 is in Reserve at Gillmoss

Volvo B7 Coach 53296 SP57 CNC has left the Fleet.

Volvo B11 Coach SP08 FPG has left the Fleet.

Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 MX14 FUP is on loan to Gillmoss from Ferrymill Motors.

Thank You for reading, Why not also check out my Youtube Channel
